Thursday, February 21, 2013

winter time

        It's back to school time, I think that most of the students don't want to go back to school so soon, and have to face all of annoying college stuff, including me, haha. But before I talk about my days in this week, I want to share something I do in my winter vacation and the Chinese New Year.
        First thing I want to share is a cartoon called Adventure Time. It's really funny and cute cartoon will make you burst out laughing. However, I think that it's kind of cartoon for adults, just like the Disney movie" toys 3", because even the drawing is so attractive, there's  lots of metaphor in it and sometimes the quotes are pretty violent. 

       The second thing is that I go jogging in the afternoon everyday. Each day I run for about 2000 meters to strengthen my body, and make sure that I will not gain extra weight in the vacation, because you know, we eat a lot in the vacation and seldom do exercises. 
       The third thing, also the the last thing I would like to tell is that we played majong when my parents and I visited my grandparents' home during the Chinese New Year. When playing majong, my grandfather won a game that called 大三元碰碰胡+自摸. People who don't play majong may not understand what this title, but just know that it stands for a lot of money. My grandpa won about a thousand dollars in this game, that's pretty excited, crazy and extremely happy for him, but to others who played majong with him, it's the most awful experience they've ever have.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

the horrible final exam

I’ve been thinking that there’s always plenty of time for me to prepare my final exam. I didn’t recognize that the final exam comes so quickly until this week. To be honest, I didn’t review all my school work, including subjects like Arabic history, Arabic writing and speaking, until this Wednesday.

After being lazy for several weeks, it’s been a both awful and horrible time to remember all these stuff and knowledge. I’ve been suffering studying the history of Arabic yesterday about five or six hours. When studying it, I found out that the ancient Arabs like to kill each other. I am curious about why did these Arabs feel so bored to do so? Killing each other or even murdering their relatives is not a interesting thing to me, and that didn’t make any sense. I’ve been confused that are these people insane or not.

Besides, while studying the writing and speaking part, it’s more simple and easy for me. So I’m not really nervous about testing these two things and do not prepare them as detailed as the history part. But to sum up, no students want to fail in exams, right? And I’m not an exception, so I wish my final exam can be done successfully.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

It’s been a long time that I haven’t talk about learning Arabic because I’ve been sharing my sports activities like basketball and volleyball games or my daily life.
But this week, I’d like to share some Arabic stuff.

After learning Arabic for a few months, I discovered that the most difficult part is to learn its grammar rule. There’re so many rules that you have to keep in mind and could drive you crazy, you might be shouting” what the hell!” or cursing of it every time when you’re studying it.

Take the verbs for example, we have to add different Arabic letters in the front of the verb in different situations. To describe it in a simple way, we have to know “who” do this action and add different letters. You may not understand it due to my awful description, but it’s really annoying, making you feel confused and don’t want to talk about it( just exactly what I’m doing now).

By the way, my foreign teacher from Syria speaks English in a very funny accent and also a high voice, it’s not pretty polite to say so, but it makes me laugh all the time.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Last week was a terrible week. First, we have a freshman volleyball contest against the 資管 department, but it had been postponed for two times due to the rain. It really annoyed me because I’m eager to play the game and I don’t like to keep waiting for a long time. I’m really gone out of my patience.

The second terrible thing is the raining days. Though I’m from Taipei, I still hate the non-stop rain in NCCU, because when it’s raining, our skin feels much colder than the exactly temperature is, and it’s easy for us to catch a cold. Worst of all, we may get ourselves all wet by being swashed.

To sum up, I really want to have a good weather to maintain a sunny day, so that we can play the ball game without getting wet. And hope my department can win the game to rise in rank in the next level.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

These two weeks were horrible to me.

First, I hurt my ankle again when I was practicing playing basketball on Saturday. Though I got my ankle protected with some protection, but unfortunately, I heard something weird and loud while I was defending. Suddenly, I couldn’t run and could hardly to walk, there were no doubt that I had to go down the court and sit down to check if my ankle were ok. It really sucks that you’re a person who enjoys playing sports and loves playing matches, but you can’t participate anything.

The second reason is that I have to prepare for the mid-term exam. The Arabic language may looks interesting because of its look, but learning it is pretty hard. We have to remember some strange nouns, verbs, and most horrible of all, the grammar rules. When trying to keep those rules in mind, the only you feel will be your brain’s getting hotter and hotter and feeling like going to explode. But I have to be responsible to my schoolwork, so I think I should study harder. But I think that I’m lying because I hate reviewing again and again. And I haven’t been studying hard since 學測.

But I still want to pass all of the subjects.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Hi every one. In these two weeks, I would like to share something different from learning Arabic, I want to talk about a volleyball match. In that match, I represent my department to play the game against the opponent. After we won the first game, and our team just started continuously scoring in the second game, I hurt my ankle because I stepped on my teammate’s foot. It happened in a sudden that I could hardly take a reaction to protect myself, and I could not stand up at that moment, I could do nothing except sitting on the ground waiting for my teammates to give me a hand. Fortunately, I was helped by my teammates quickly so I did not get hurt worse.

At first, I did not think that my ankle was hurt that bad. But after several hours, it swelled so badly that really shocked me. At that time, my ankle looked really scary, so I went to the doctor to get some medicine and treatment. And today, three days after I hurt my ankle, I finally feel a lot better, and I wish that I will not hurt it anymore. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

In the last week, our foreign teacher, who is from Syria, finally got to Taiwan .He is short, bald and have an special accent in speaking English, but he’s absolutely a nice man because he is both pretty funny and humor.

In his classes, the whole class keeps practicing the pronunciation of the alphabets, key words and the sentences. At first, it’s really tiring for us to speak in the right way, but after a few days, we gradually got used to it, though we could not always pronounce in the perfect way.

And let’s talk about what happened in the class. In the first class, because he did not  know what our Arabic names are, so he asked each of us the same question” kaeyfa ha lu kou “ which means “what’s your name” in Arabic . Most of my classmates got compliments, but one of my friends did not , because our teacher said that his name is an ancient name, and that really made my friend did not know whether to laugh or to cry.

To conclude, it was a nice week after all. :)