Thursday, October 18, 2012

In the last week, our foreign teacher, who is from Syria, finally got to Taiwan .He is short, bald and have an special accent in speaking English, but he’s absolutely a nice man because he is both pretty funny and humor.

In his classes, the whole class keeps practicing the pronunciation of the alphabets, key words and the sentences. At first, it’s really tiring for us to speak in the right way, but after a few days, we gradually got used to it, though we could not always pronounce in the perfect way.

And let’s talk about what happened in the class. In the first class, because he did not  know what our Arabic names are, so he asked each of us the same question” kaeyfa ha lu kou “ which means “what’s your name” in Arabic . Most of my classmates got compliments, but one of my friends did not , because our teacher said that his name is an ancient name, and that really made my friend did not know whether to laugh or to cry.

To conclude, it was a nice week after all. :)

1 comment:

  1. I think most of the foreign teachers are friendly and Patient to students. For me, my German teacher is very cute when he spoke Chinese.

    German name just as same as Arab name, unlike the Chinese name can be arbitrarily chosen, everyone's name is very common, if you taken a rare name (for example, an ancient name, may be the old man or the old lady would used), the Germans hear may feel very strange.

    I am glad that you had a nice week.
