Thursday, January 3, 2013

the horrible final exam

I’ve been thinking that there’s always plenty of time for me to prepare my final exam. I didn’t recognize that the final exam comes so quickly until this week. To be honest, I didn’t review all my school work, including subjects like Arabic history, Arabic writing and speaking, until this Wednesday.

After being lazy for several weeks, it’s been a both awful and horrible time to remember all these stuff and knowledge. I’ve been suffering studying the history of Arabic yesterday about five or six hours. When studying it, I found out that the ancient Arabs like to kill each other. I am curious about why did these Arabs feel so bored to do so? Killing each other or even murdering their relatives is not a interesting thing to me, and that didn’t make any sense. I’ve been confused that are these people insane or not.

Besides, while studying the writing and speaking part, it’s more simple and easy for me. So I’m not really nervous about testing these two things and do not prepare them as detailed as the history part. But to sum up, no students want to fail in exams, right? And I’m not an exception, so I wish my final exam can be done successfully.

1 comment:

  1. I also felt unbelievable that our final exam came so quickly last week. I major in Slavic Language, it is also a special and difficult subject. Compared with you, I did not have any history lessons about Russian in this semester, but I can image how you feel! History is really a difficult subject! It has been my nightmare since I was senior high. T_T Luckily, we finally finished all of our tests. Though taking tests can let us know more about what we have studied, tests are still not popular among students (I think teachers think the same way XD). Anyway, HAPPY WINTER VACATION!
