Thursday, December 20, 2012

It’s been a long time that I haven’t talk about learning Arabic because I’ve been sharing my sports activities like basketball and volleyball games or my daily life.
But this week, I’d like to share some Arabic stuff.

After learning Arabic for a few months, I discovered that the most difficult part is to learn its grammar rule. There’re so many rules that you have to keep in mind and could drive you crazy, you might be shouting” what the hell!” or cursing of it every time when you’re studying it.

Take the verbs for example, we have to add different Arabic letters in the front of the verb in different situations. To describe it in a simple way, we have to know “who” do this action and add different letters. You may not understand it due to my awful description, but it’s really annoying, making you feel confused and don’t want to talk about it( just exactly what I’m doing now).

By the way, my foreign teacher from Syria speaks English in a very funny accent and also a high voice, it’s not pretty polite to say so, but it makes me laugh all the time.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Last week was a terrible week. First, we have a freshman volleyball contest against the 資管 department, but it had been postponed for two times due to the rain. It really annoyed me because I’m eager to play the game and I don’t like to keep waiting for a long time. I’m really gone out of my patience.

The second terrible thing is the raining days. Though I’m from Taipei, I still hate the non-stop rain in NCCU, because when it’s raining, our skin feels much colder than the exactly temperature is, and it’s easy for us to catch a cold. Worst of all, we may get ourselves all wet by being swashed.

To sum up, I really want to have a good weather to maintain a sunny day, so that we can play the ball game without getting wet. And hope my department can win the game to rise in rank in the next level.