Thursday, November 15, 2012

These two weeks were horrible to me.

First, I hurt my ankle again when I was practicing playing basketball on Saturday. Though I got my ankle protected with some protection, but unfortunately, I heard something weird and loud while I was defending. Suddenly, I couldn’t run and could hardly to walk, there were no doubt that I had to go down the court and sit down to check if my ankle were ok. It really sucks that you’re a person who enjoys playing sports and loves playing matches, but you can’t participate anything.

The second reason is that I have to prepare for the mid-term exam. The Arabic language may looks interesting because of its look, but learning it is pretty hard. We have to remember some strange nouns, verbs, and most horrible of all, the grammar rules. When trying to keep those rules in mind, the only you feel will be your brain’s getting hotter and hotter and feeling like going to explode. But I have to be responsible to my schoolwork, so I think I should study harder. But I think that I’m lying because I hate reviewing again and again. And I haven’t been studying hard since 學測.

But I still want to pass all of the subjects.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Hi every one. In these two weeks, I would like to share something different from learning Arabic, I want to talk about a volleyball match. In that match, I represent my department to play the game against the opponent. After we won the first game, and our team just started continuously scoring in the second game, I hurt my ankle because I stepped on my teammate’s foot. It happened in a sudden that I could hardly take a reaction to protect myself, and I could not stand up at that moment, I could do nothing except sitting on the ground waiting for my teammates to give me a hand. Fortunately, I was helped by my teammates quickly so I did not get hurt worse.

At first, I did not think that my ankle was hurt that bad. But after several hours, it swelled so badly that really shocked me. At that time, my ankle looked really scary, so I went to the doctor to get some medicine and treatment. And today, three days after I hurt my ankle, I finally feel a lot better, and I wish that I will not hurt it anymore.